Listed in the United Kingdom Labyrinth Registry
with love to Bastrop County

Labyrinth by Moonlight
As a garden designer and spiritual individual, I have always had an interest in open prayer and contemplation locations. I had even created Labyrinths for friends. We used Lavender for a triangular, smaller one, and native grasses for a larger.
The inspiration for the Labyrinth at Bastrop Botanical Gardens came from a different source. After the Bastrop Complex Fire of 2011, so many of our friends and customers had lost everything inside and outside. They longed for a place to begin, an idea to create green spaces again. The most common statement I heard was “All we are left with is rock”. The idea was born. My community was in pain, needed inspiration, we all needed a place to pray and meditate for direction and hope.
As a naturalist, the inspiration was born. Let Bastrop Botanical Gardens create a Labyrinth out of native stone, keeping in our permaculture teachings. Studies were begun on types of Labyrinths. It was decided to utilize two styles of Labyrinth. The best explanation is fusion. We fused the style of the traditional Cretan Labyrinth of seven circles, facilitating contemplation, with the Shepherds Hook Labyrinth of direct access. Allowing for both was important, as life gives us both kinds of moments. Those that allow us time and need for contemplation, and times when we just need help, prayer…now.
The Labyrinth is created from native rock of our area. The outer circle is beautiful water rock that is laced with crystalline matrix from years of water traveling through. The second circle is Sandstone with lichens and moss growing on them, representing Flora! The third circle is honeycomb Limestone, also a stone of water movement. The Sandstone and honeycomb Limestone are repeated to create the seven circles. All of the rocks are connected with Colorado River rock.
It was so confirmed that we were doing what we were inspired to do, that a perfect Sandstone bench, properly notched, was included in our pallets of stone we were creating with!! The staff of the Shepherds Hook was created with the best kinds if rock, gifts! As a birthday present, I requested friends bring a rock as a gift. These rocks were used for the staff of the Hook!
Anytime you or anyone you know, need the benefit of a walk through a Labyrinth, Bastrop Botanical Gardens offers ours for use. I find great inspiration of taking anything bothering me to the Labyrinth. As I walk in, I know while I sit and express gratitude and ask for guidance, I will also receive some clarity and leave the problem at the center of the Labyrinth. As I walk out, I no longer have the distraction disrupting my day.
During the winter hiatus we are open by appointment only. Call 512-303-5672 to schedule a time to walk the Bastrop Botanical Gardens Labyrinth!